Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Another Trap

When I was a kid, entertainment was different.  The Internet was in it's infancy and the best video game system was Sega.  The point is, we had to get creative.  One activity I enjoyed was shooting people with my pellet gun, especially when they were not expecting it.  It is tough to beat the squeal of an unsuspecting human being enduring the pain of a pellet gun shot to the gut.

One guy I liked to shoot was a buddy of mine named, Fat John.  Fat John was one fat bastard and to be honest, that made him fun to pick on since there really was not much he could do about it.  My favorite "Fat John" prank, was the one where we would climb to the roof and wait for his school bus to drop him off.  When he got off the bus, me and two other friends would light him up with our pellet guns.  It was magic, if I could go back and do it all over again, I would.

Besides, being fat, Fat John was also not too smart.  There are numerous examples I could cite but you can just take my word for it.  You see, Fat John didn't even know he was being shot when he got off the bus each time.  He though he was being stung by bees so when he exited the bus each day, he would get off and flail his arms around as if he were keeping the bees away.  On the days that we didn't feel like climbing to the roof, we would just watch from the window because he looked like a fucking idiot.

As the weeks went by, Fat John tried everything from swinging his arms wildly, to spraying himself with Off Bug spray to keep the bees from stinging him but nothing seemed to work for him.  He literally kept getting "stung by bees" every now and then when he got off the bus and it didn't stop until the cops took our pellet guns away for an unrelated window incident.  That was a sad day for all of us, except Fat John.

Sports betting, like getting shot with a pellet gun, can make you do some stupid shit if you don't get all the information you need, process it correctly and proceed from there.  Common sense should have told Fat John he was not being stung by bees and he should have been weary when the only time we asked him how his day went was on the days he got stung by bees.  Just like you should be weary of the Golden State Warriors +3.5 in Game 3.  It's a trap.

The early bettors are usually the sharpest in my opinion and the fact that they have moved the line to -4 at some shops should be concerning to Golden State backers given the fact that only 29% of the early wagers have come in on the Rockets.  My theory is that the books know that the squares are going to come in and bet the Warriors no matter what so why give them anymore than 3 points?  I have this line at Houston -5 so you are still getting value on them a day after the line has been released.

My advice if you like the Warriors is to stay off of the side and bet the total if you must bet the game. You may not have know about the line moves before reading this, but now that you do, you should alter your approach.  Do you think if Fat John would have known he was getting shot with a pellet gun, he would still sprayed himself with Off everyday?  Of course not.  Good luck and enjoy the game.

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